Review Process
How our process works
The Trust partners with a youth organisation that volunteer to enter into a review process as the first stage of a year long plus partnership. The purpose of the review is so the organisation can have identified what their strengths are and the areas where they could improve. A Scope Review Team is chosen from people who are trained and work in the youth development space to carry out the review on dates that the organisation set.
The Scope Review Team spend 3 – 5 days in the organisation (depending on the size of the organisation) assessing the organisation across 5 areas of the organisation with 19 standards going across the 5 areas. The organisation receives a written report which shows the grade they were given for each standard and includes comments on each standard and recommendations if they didn’t meet or partially met a standard.
Post the review, the Team Leader then supports the organisation to work on the standards the organisation either didn’t meet or partially met for a year. The support can be longer than one year this is agreed between the Team Leader and the Manager of the organisation.
The organisation when they believe they are ready can ask for a re-review of the standards they didn’t meet or partially met.
A Focus on What Matters
Scope assessments measure an organisation’s effectiveness with regard to youth development, programme design, governance & management, community connectedness and safe practice.
The assessment focusses on how an organisation is doing in both its practice and systems. This comprehensive approach allows an organisation to focus on the key areas of improvement.
» Scope information Session for interested youth organisations.
» Organisation volunteers for a review.
» Scope National Manager meets with organisation to go through the Scope process.
» Organisation sets dates for the review.
» Scope Team formed for the review with a Team Leader.
» The Scope Review Team meet to get to know each other.
The Review
» The Scope Team carries out a review of the organisation for 3 – 4 days depending on the size of the organisation.
» The Team review 5 areas of the organisation by assessing them against 19 standards that go across the areas.
» The Team gather evidence by interviewing the governance body, staff, young people, family members and stakeholders and through observation and reading documents.
» The Team grades the standards and then writes a report for the organisation.
» After the organisation has signed off the Scope Report the Team Leader will meet with the Manager and Chairperson and offer to follow up with the organisation to support them to work towards meeting the recommendations from the report for a year.
» When the organisation is ready it can ask for a re-review where the Scope Review Team will come back and review the standards the organisation didn’t meet or partially met.

Areas of an Organisation Reviewed
Safe Practice
Includes the young people who engage with a youth organisation/service are safe culturally, spiritually, emotionally and physically. The youth development workers who engage with the young people are supported, trained, have a qualification relevant to their role and are screened as required under the Vulnerable Children's Act.
Youth Development
The organisation/service practices researched evidence based principals of youth development. Eg.. building positive connections within and outside of the organisation, for the young people. They work from a strength-based approach.
Programme Design
The activities of the organisation align with the kaupapa/mission/ values of the organisation. The programmes have been designed and shaped by research and youth needs, and are adequatley resourced.
Community Connection
The organisation/service maintains positive connections with stakeholders, show evidence of working bi culturally including policies. They work collaboratively so to gain the best positive outcomes for the young people they engage with.
Governance and Management
The organisation/service has a clear kaupapa/mission/vales that are evident at all levels. The manager and governance body have an effective relationship. There are good systems in place and the organisation/service is meeting it's legal obligations.